Sara Crewe

Sara Crewe
or, What Happened at Miss Minchin's


(3 Reviews)
Sara Crewe by Frances Hodgson Burnett







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Sara Crewe
or, What Happened at Miss Minchin's


(3 Reviews)

Book Excerpt

e minutes.

But there had been a clever, good-natured little French teacher who had said to the music-master:

"Zat leetle Crewe. Vat a child! A so ogly beauty! Ze so large eyes! ze so little spirituelle face. Waid till she grow up. You shall see!"

This morning, however, in the tight, small black frock, she looked thinner and odder than ever, and her eyes were fixed on Miss Minchin with a queer steadiness as she slowly advanced into the parlor, clutching her doll.

"Put your doll down!" said Miss Minchin.

"No," said the child, I won't put her down; I want her with me. She is all I have. She has stayed with me all the time since my papa died."

She had never been an obedient child. She had had her own way ever since she was born, and there was about her an air of silent determination under which Miss Minchin had always felt secretly uncomfortable. And that lady felt even now that perhaps it would be as well not to insist on her point. So she looked at her as severely as possible.



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Readers reviews

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Sarah Crewe came first, and was then expanded upon to create A Little Princess.

I had a very abusive childhood, and when I found Sarah Crewe, I clung to it like an anchor. This book got me through so much. I really recommend this book for people who like a happy ending. And if you like this book, I strongly recommend reading the expanded version, A Little Princes.
This was an enchanting story that holds timeless values and touched the heartstrings. It could be read by young and old alike and teaches that there is always hope if it seems like there is nothing else at hand.
Totally contrary to my expectations... It's like a very incorrect summary for a literature project.
I had expected another book on Sara, not this that fairly contradicts a lot in the first noble book. It made me lose a lot of the respect I had of the Sara in the first book, "A little Princess". So, I just pretend I didn't read this one, and assume there's only the former book, not this.