Sands of Ruin

Sands of Ruin
Sands of Ruin
R M Muller

Your next epic dystopian romance series! On the run for his life, Harm's world collides with hers. The dark haired, fierce girl with brilliant blue eyes he dreamt of for months.
Imani isn't supposed to get involved. Her plans didn't include him. The people of the sands need her help.
But so does he.
Fierce FMC ~ Cinnamon Roll MMC ~ Reluctant Hero ~ Found Family ~ Oppressive regime ~ Dual POV


About the Author

Perched on limb, high in a tree that had stood for decades, was a skinny little farm girl. Her focus was solely on the scrappy notebook and pencil in her hands. Oblivious to the swaying branches around her and the voice of her mother calling her down, she scratched out a story. For the first time her imagination made it to paper, and she was obsessed.
Stories and her little bunch of humans give her purpose every day, and the reason she spends a disturbing amount of time with imaginary people, in imaginary worlds, most days, writing young adult and new adult books. Epic adventures, amazing characters and magnificent places...

R M Muller