A Bicycle of Cathay

A Bicycle of Cathay


(2 Reviews)
A Bicycle of Cathay by Frank R. Stockton







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A Bicycle of Cathay


(2 Reviews)
A country school teacher goes on a bicycle tour, meets three attractive young women one after the other, and returns after all to the pretty doctor's daughter who had thoughtfully given him a the quinine pills for his journey. Few writers would have the hardihood to construct a novel on so slight a frame, but Mr. Stockton fills up the narrative with an easy flow of incident and a variety of absurd situations.

Book Excerpt

or of a wheel, and that this was the first trip she had ever taken by herself. She had always gone in company with some one, but to-day she had thought she was able to take care of herself, like other girls. Finding her so entirely free from conventional embarrassment, I made bold to give her a little advice on the subject of wheeling in general, and she seemed entirely willing to be instructed. In fact, as I went on with my little discourse I began to think that I would much rather teach girls than boys. At first sight the young person under my charge might have been taken for a school-girl, but her conversation would have soon removed that illusion.

We had not proceeded more than a mile when suddenly I felt a very gentle tap on the end of my nose, and at the same moment the young lady turned her head towards me and exclaimed: "It's going to rain! I felt a drop!"

"I will walk faster," I said, "and no doubt I will get you to your house before the shower is upon us. At any rate, I hope you won't


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The book description (above)is a spoiler because it tells you what happens in the end. Nevertheless I read and enjoyed the book. It takes a simple story and tells it entertainingly. My only disappointment was the ending chapter(s). It seems like the author runs out of steam and wants to finish the book in a hurry. I'd still recommend the book, however. The rest of it is very good.
Amusing, charming, and romantic. Good novel about a young male schoolteacher who sets out on a bicycling vacation in the country. What he thinks will be a quiet time of rest and solitude turns into a series of adventures, where he meets a variety of charming young women and their families. The plot includes two marriage proposals and an adventure with a trained pet bear. Perfect for someone looking for some good, light reading.